Good Night – Original Drink Made of Wine and Herbs for Sweet Dreams
250 ml
Code 330013
Original alcoholic drink from wine, grape must and seven herbs with calming effects for easy falling asleep, sweet dreams, stress relief and home relaxation.
7,50 €
3,00 € / 100 ml
available online
International shipping
Wide network of 55 shops
Highly natural formulae
100% Czech brand

Good Night – Original Drink Made of Wine and Herbs for Sweet Dreams
Product description
Originaldrink from red wine, grape must and seven herbs continues the tradition of medicinal wines profusely used in past times. Present herbs with calming effects (Sweet Balm, Hemp, Oat, Common Lime, Lemon-tree, Sweet Orange, Woodruff, Five Flavor Berry) support calming down, stress relief and easy falling asleep. It is recommended to consume it in small doses 1-2 hours before going to bed. Delicious taste makes the drink agreeable companion for home relaxation.
Recommended daily dosage
Recommended daily dose is 50 - 100 ml. The content of alcohol is 9,5%, there is no artificial colouring, sweetener or beet sugar contained.
Special warnings
The sale of alcoholic beverages to minors under 18 is prohibited.
It is an alcoholic beverage, and is not intended for persons pregnant and nursing women. Keep out of reach of children. Registered as a food supplement.
Révové víno červené, zahuštěný hroznový mošt, výtažky z bylin (11 ml ve 100 ml nápoje: meduňka lékařská, konopí seté, oves setý, lípa obecná, citroník pomerančový sladký, mařinka vonná, agnolka čínská), aroma, zahušťovadlo: arabská guma z výronků stromů Acacia, konzervant: sorban draselný, antioxidant: oxid siřičitý.
Reviews (10)
It was a gift, it made me happy and I was assured that the syrup was amazing.
Buyer reviews
We received it as a gift, I recommend it.
ProsGreat taste with a hint of alcohol. Maybe placebo, but it worked for me :D
Visitor reviews
It has a great taste. In addition to the herbs, it also contains alcohol, so it will numb you pleasantly and help you fall asleep.
Visitor reviews